Friday, August 22, 2003

Top 15 Web 2.0 Search Engines

Bored searching in Google?

Try out some new search engines. All are using Web 2.0 technology. They might become the next "Google". Who knows.


1. - find similar sites to your given URL. It's a mashup of

2. Ajaxwhois - find domain registration information faster. Start typing, when you stop, it sends out a query.

3. Whonu - offers over 300 search sources and a smart interface that contextualizes what you enter.

4. Kartoo - partitions results into several categories, some serious, some frivolous. The presentation, however, is quite different, displayed in little clusters using Flash and icons of a sheet of paper for each result.

5. Quintura - presents text or image search results in a minimalist but graphic form resembling a freeform tag cloud.

6. KwMap - "a keyword map for the whole Internet". Type in a keyword or phrase, and an unusual interface appears.

7. Ujiko - remind you some sort of a video game, presenting results in both a central circle as well as in rows surrounding the circle.

8. Tagnautica - minimalist interface: a black background and a "CLICK HERE" message. Fascinating photo search parardigm that's lots of fun and definitely visually inspiring.

9. Topix - search for topical Web pages and narrow the search to a certain time period. Clicking on a particular day produces results ordered reverse chronologically from that day backwards.

10. Wink - find and connect with people online. It uses Ajax.

11. Omgili - discussion-based engine. A list of links to members is provided who have answered questions relating to a given keywords.

11. Retrievr - Start with an image (via URL or uploaded) or a sketch from the user, which can be customized by line thickness and color. Images are then retrieved from flickr.

12. Tiltomo - Enter a single flickr tag or ask for random images. Once you have an array of images, you can find similar images either by theme or by color/ texture. Also try FlickrStorm.

13. Pixsy - search engine for pictures or videos selected from several sources including Buzznet, flickr, iStockphoto, Fotolia, YouTube, and others.

15. VDoogle - video search engine that draws its sources from 14 video sharing sites including YouTube, DailyMotion, iFilm.

Oh, one thing! I found these search engines using Google search. :)

Page Last Update: 8 September 2008

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